Does your motorhome or camper van spend most of its life sitting outside your house?

Do you have a large capital sum tied up in your motorhome?

Do you feel that the annual running costs of your motorhome make the days you spend enjoying it expensive?

Would you like a way to get most of your capital back in cash and reduce your running costs while still keeping and using your motorhome as much as you do today?

Or would you like to own a larger, newer and more comfortable motorhome for the same cost and outlays?

If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’ then you may be interested in creating a small (2-6 people) like-minded syndicate of co-owners to liberate your capital, slash your running costs and upgrade your motorhoming experience. is a new service designed to help you reach those goals.

First, what are we not?

This is not timeshare. This is not motorhome rental. This is not a scam.

For existing motorhome owners, what are we?

A website where motorhome owners like you can find likeminded people with whom to create small private syndicates (2-6 people) to co-own your motorhome (either the one you already own, or a newer and bigger one you would like to own.

With shared ownership you remain the main owner of your motorhome and you stay fully in charge of the process – you choose the syndicate members, you choose the system by which the year will be shared among the syndicate, you run the maintenance of your motorhome and you choose where the motorhome will be based (your driveway, usually, just like now) and the place where handovers will take place.

The concept of syndicate ownership is already commonplace in yachting and aircraft ownership. It is now time to bring the benefits of syndicate ownership to the motorhome marketplace.

For motorhome buyers, we are also a website where new entrants to motorhome ownership can find syndicates to join, bringing their capital and sharing running costs to join the motorhoming community.

Where do we come in?

  1. We display your motorhome on with details of the kind of syndicate you would like to create including pricing of a syndicate share. There is no listing fee. We use your photographs, or we can take them for you.
  2. People interested in buying into your syndicate contact us in the first instance. We do some basic vetting to screen out timewasters and then we pass them on to you to continue the conversation.
  3. We leave that conversation to you, though we are always available by phone to answer technical or other questions. You and the possible new syndicate member will meet and get to know each other. There is no hurry at this stage – you can take as long as you like.
  4. We provide a standard syndicate contract for you to use (you don’t have to use it – you can use your own lawyer and/or change the contract as much as you like).
  5. When you and the new member have come to an agreement, we facilitate the signing of the contract electronically or in person.
  6. On settlement day the new owner transfers the agreed price to us. We deduct our transaction fee (10% of the price) and immediately transfer on the balance to you. Settlement day can be virtual or in-person.
  7. We are then available to market additional syndicate shares for you (most syndicates are built over time, one new member at a time), and to resell shares that fall into disuse. Most owners decide the number of shares they want to create and then market them one at a time, building a friendly syndicate carefully over time.

A typical example might work as follows:

John owns a motorhome with a value of £60,000 and no outstanding finance. Running costs (insurance, VED, repairs, MOT, tyres, servicing) come to about £4,000 per year. The home is also depreciating at a rate of £4,000 per year.

John spends 60 days on the road each year in his motorhome. His cost per day is £133.

John sells three shares in a new syndicate. Each syndicate member pays John £15,000 in cash. John has now recovered £45,000 in cash, and owns a ¼ share in his motorhome.

Running costs rise slightly (the motorhome is doing more miles) to £6,000 per year.

Each syndicate member pays John £1,500 per year to a nominated bank account, paid monthly by standing order. John’s net running cost falls to £1,500 per year, cutting his costs by £2,500 per year.

John’s depreciation cost falls to £1,000 per year.

John still spends 60 days on the road each year. His cost per day is now £42 per day, and he now enjoys the income generated by the £45,000 of cash released as well.

The syndicate meets up twice a year to discuss time allocations and maintenance plans.

How to get started

If you would like to hear more please contact us in the first instance on We will then continue the conversation in person – we don’t use AI systems, call-handling systems or webforms. This is business in the old-fashioned way — personal service at all times from a responsible human.

This is a new service. The first ten motorhomes that we list will enjoy a 100% discount on the transaction fee. The next ten will enjoy a 75% discount, the third ten a 50% discount and the ten after that a 25% discount. There is no listing fee so there is zero risk in trying us out. You can withdraw your motorhome from the site at any time without any fee obligation.

We look forward to helping you. Please get in touch today: